COVID-19 Information
COVID 19 Update 2023--In accordance with SLO County Health Department guidance, Smart Share and HomeShareSLO continues to reinforce our client-staff meeting guidelines. Vaccinated clients need not wear masks unless they prefer to when meeting with our vaccinated client-serving staff indoors in client homes, indoors at coffee houses or other small gathering spaces, or outdoors. Unvaccinated clients will continue to be required to wear masks when meeting with staff or other clients indoors. We strongly recommend that potential housemates discuss vaccination status when having their first phone conversation (relevant questions are included in the suggested questions lists provided to all enrolled clients.) We will continue to update this information per public health guidance. Thank you!

Coffee Chats and other events:
At this time we are conducting our monthly Coffee Chat gatherings in-person, outdoor whenever possible, where we can once more share housing stories around a table with a good cup of coffee and a pastry and see your good faces!